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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Reduce Pet Allergens in the Home

We all love our pets ... even when they cause us to sneeze, cough and our eyes water. Many people are faced with the choice of finding a new home for their pets in order to alleviate their symptoms, but according to an article I found at Health.com, there are a few other options as well.

Before I share their top tips for reducing allergic reactions, let's think about what is really causing the reaction. Many people think that their pet's fur is causing the problem, but really the problem stems from a combination of that hair and their dead skin cells called dander. For very sensitive people this dander can trigger asthma attacks and other allergic reactions.

Now to the list. Health.com mentions seven ways to reduce symptoms, but we'll be adding our own tip as well. So here goes:

  1. Restricting contact with the pet by creating an outside living space for the animal. If that is not an option because of the climate, at least restrict the animal's access in the house by barring it from sleeping in bedrooms with the person with allergies and not giving it full access to the home.
  2. Keeping pets off of carpets, upholstery and other fabrics that the animal comes in contact with will help with the dander problem.  Removing carpeting from the rooms that are frequented by your pets is also an option.
  3. Dusting as often as possible will keep dander (as well as dust mites) down to a minimum.
  4. If you have forced-air heating and air conditioning in your home closing the registers  can help to stop pet dander from circulating throughout the house. If that is not practical you can try purchasing a HEPA air cleaner.
  5. Bathe your pet regularly to reduce dander.
  6. Keep animal cages clean by sprucing them up at least once each week.

And here are a few tips of our own:

  1. Treat yourself to HOST dry carpet cleaning. Our system removes 78% of dust mites, 75% of dust mite allergens, mold spores (85%) and cat allergen by 85%!
  2. Let us clean your upholstery. We use the Von Schrader Upholstery Extractor which allows us to clean:
  • Sofas
  • Chairs
  • Mattress
  • Office Chairs
  • Cubical Dividers and much more

Source: Health.com - How to Reduce Pet Allergens at Home - http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20307037,00.html

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Let Us Dry Clean Your Carpets

Dry cleaning isn't just for clothing. We can dry clean your carpets in a safe and environmentally friendly way using the HOST system.  HOST is a superior way to clean your carpets. Why? Well, here are five of the top reasons:
  1. Recommended by carpet manufacturers worldwide;
  2. Deep cleans and removes soil and spots;
  3. Lifts and fluffs carpet pile;
  4. Leaves a clean, fresh scent
  5. Let's you use your rooms right away
That's right, there is no waiting time -- your carpets are ready for use as soon as we leave your home. And best of all we don't leave any chemical residue that could injure your family or your pets. All we leave behind are clean carpets and happy customers. 

Want to learn more? Give us a call at (570) 629-8652 to take advantage of our October special of 10% off of any cleaning service. This offer is good for first time clients. If we've worked with you before be sure to ask us about our loyalty program and special savings programs.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Why should carpets be cleaned with HOST?

Did you know that the environmental problem of the decade is indoor air pollution?

According to the U.S. EPA ranks indoor air pollution as one of the top five environmental threats to public health. Children, the elderly, asthmatic or allergic individuals are those suffering from respiratory or cardiovascular disease are often the most susceptible to the effects of indoor air pollution.

HOST...the Natural Solution to Indoor Pollution

The HOST System of applying sponges to the carpet, burshing them through the carpet and then vacuuming up the sponges, removes dirt and removes allergens.

Research studies have shown that one cleaning with the HOST system removes:
  • Dust mites by 78%
  • Dust mite allergen by 75%
  • Mold spores by 85%
  • Cat allergen by 85%

Need more information?

For more information on how to achieve a healthier home through effective carpet cleaning, give us a call at (570) 629-8952.

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